31 results found.:
Operation & Maintenance
Fleet / Customer Services / Machine Availability /
Operation & Maintenance Plasser India is not only a leading track maintenance machine manufacturer but also a complete solution provider offering O&M services to our customers ensuring…
Fleet / Customer Services / Spare and Wear Parts /
INNOVATION FOR YOUR FLEET Spare and Wear Parts Spare and wear parts SmartCatalog Threefold certainty for your machine fleet With our original spare and wear parts you have threefold certainty…
Fleet / Customer Services / Spare and Wear Parts /
SmartCatalog Identify your parts more quickly Make use of the convenient search function: Simply enter the part number, IT number, title or spare parts sheet number and the system will…
Fleet / Customer Services / Machine Availability /
Servicing Higher availability, lower life cycle costs, and lower fixed costs increase the economic efficiency of any fleet. Our servicing offers you the opportunity to fully utilise this…
Fleet / Customer Services /
Optimal maintenance for your fleet Cost-conscious operating companies have three main options for optimising their machines’ cost-efficiency: ensure or increase machine availability, reduce life…
Fleet / Customer Services / Life Cycle Services /
INNOVATION FOR YOUR FLEET Longer life for your machine The continuous advancement of technology creates opportunities to increase machine efficiency. At the same time, the market is constantly…
Fleet / Customer Services / Digital Services /
PlasserDatamatic 2.0 – MachineConditionObserver INNOVATION FOR YOUR FLEET Digital Services Our digital solutions and services improve the output and reliability of our machines for the…
On-site training courses
Fleet / Customer Services / Training and Support /
On-site training courses The better you know a machine, the fewer mistakes you’ll make. At the same time, you’ll also increase output. Training courses for your staff are effective investments…
Fleet / Customer Services / Training and Support /
INNOVATION FOR YOUR FLEET Training courses and documentation provided by the manufacturer Plasser India machines are perfectly functioning systems - the better skilled the operating staff, the more…
Training at Plasser India
Fleet / Customer Services / Training and Support /
Training at Plasser India Training: fully utilise the potential of your machine There is no doubt our machines are economically efficient. Provide the appropriate training for your staff so this…
Fleet / Customer Services / Machine Availability /
INNOVATION FOR YOUR FLEET Maximum availability at every stage of a machine's life Starting off with a new machine is significant. Therefore, our technical support starts right in the initial phase…
Machine audits
Fleet / Customer Services / Machine Availability /
Machine audits You can make significant cost savings if you detect issues before they impact the safety or availability of a machine. Machine audits by Plasser India provide a professional method…
VEDO report
Fleet / Customer Services / Machine Availability /
VEDO report The VEDO report is based on the data collected during a machine audit. It gives you an initial overview of the measures that need to be carried out in order of urgency. It…
Fleet / Customer Services / Spare and Wear Parts / Spare parts /
Spare parts Spare parts Tamping tines Cardan shafts Transducers Spare parts inquiry INNOVATION FOR YOUR FLEET Short- and long-term supply of original spare parts High quality means high…
Component refurbishments and repairs
Fleet / Customer Services / Life Cycle Services /
When the time has come for a machine to be repaired or refurbished, any defective components will often be replaced with new ones. This may sometimes be associated with great expense and…
Fleet / Customer Services / Life Cycle Services /
An existing machine can still be your perfect machine for certain operations, even after many years of use. If there is a noticeable increase in downtimes, or your machine is coming to the end…
Fleet / Customer Services / Life Cycle Services /
Retrofit It’s hard to say goodbye to machines that have served you well for decades. You know what they are capable of. Staff know their functions by heart. In addition, every change entails…
Fleet / Customer Services / Life Cycle Services / Upgrade /
SmartALC We offer this system upgrade at a fixed price, depending on the type and complexity of the machine. The cutting-edge SmartALC guiding system makes it possible to further automate the use…
General overhaul of the tamping unit
Fleet / Customer Services / Life Cycle Services /
The core component of your tamping machine, the tamping unit, is subjected to excessive stresses thousands of times a year. Depending on the operating conditions, it therefore shows a…
Fleet / Customer Services / Life Cycle Services / Upgrade /
Upgrade Upgrade Plasser India machines are built to last for decades. It seems logical that new technologies that provide better performance are introduced during these periods. Thanks to our…