Privacy Policy


Our website uses so-called “cookies”. Cookies are small text files which are stored on your end device by the browser. They do not cause any damage and do not allow for your identification. We use cookies in order to ensure that our offer is user-friendly.

We only use cookies to store your privacy settings for our website (consent to display videos and interactive maps). For this purpose we use persistent cookies. Apart from that our website does not use any cookies.

Persistent cookies allow recognition of your browser when you visit our website again. They are stored on your terminal device and will be deleted automatically after a certain period of time. You may also delete them yourself.

We do not store third-party cookies which could allow tracing your user behaviour across several independent websites.

You can set your browser to notify you when a cookie is set or to allow cookies only in individual cases. Please see your web browser menu bar for further support.


The website uses the Matomo open source tool for web analysis. Matomo normally uses cookies that enable a statistical analysis of use of the website. For this purpose the usage information is sent and your IP address is immediately anonymised. No personal data is therefore stored for statistical analysis.

Matomo Privacy Policy

No Matomo cookie is set on this website and no personal data is stored for statistical analysis.

In addition, you may prevent the collection of data by Matomo by clicking on the following link: An opt-out cookie will be set, preventing the collection of your data when you visit the website in future: